Journal Notes: Overcoming Dietary Hurdles

FODMAP, no Fructose, intolerances.  So many things to learn and incorporate.  Some days it is easy and then there are others...

So I figured it has been 5 months since I have had a significant amount of wheat.  Why not give it a try and see how it goes?  That's all part of the steps of figuring out what foods work and what doesn't.  At least that's what my gastroenterologist and PCP both told me. So I tried.  I made small soft wheat pitas. Each were about the size of a slice of bread. I had half of one on Friday night and a whole one on Saturday and paid for it today.  The pain that set off this determination to get well came on full force. I've been in agony all day and decided to fast from noon on in hopes that maybe tomorrow I will feel better again. Back to the simple basics that I have discovered work for me. 

Sometimes, getting over the hurdles mean we crash into a few.  With practice we get better at clearing them.  Today's set back makes me grateful for the leaps forward. Having to blend the FODMAP and no fructose diets has changed my health radically.  I love living this mostly pain free, energetic, clear thinking, and losing weight life.  It is incredible to feel good.  Days like today remind me that it is worth the effort and to keep pushing through. 


  1. Did you find out if you have celiac? If not pretty sure u have at least an allergy.

    1. I'm having a difficult time reaching the gastrointerologist to get the endoscopy scheduled. It's on my next test to do list. Would be good to know why grains are so problematic for me.


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