Journal Notes: Persistence Pays Off

After hitting that perplexing plateau that I sat at for just over three months, suddenly the weight started coming off again.  The last week I have been bouncing between 221 and 223.  I didn't change anything. Just kept at what I was doing.
Having seen so many doctors (PCP, gastrointerologist, endocrinologist, dietician, and OT) since June this past summer I have heard so many opinions and reasons as to why this could be.  The answers vary from hormones, to water gain, to add more exercise, to explore further to see what food is still problematic, to sometimes plateaus happens but stick with it and the weight will start dropping again.  The most recent solution offered was "after 6 months of sticking with this and the plateau remains, then we can try medicine to help you lose that last 70 pounds you have left to go". 

I'm not keen on doing the supplement route.  Sometimes reducing further and figuring out what foods are still problematic for me gets tiresome.  Then I look back to where I was in May: extreme exhaustion, unable to think clearly, 20 pound weight gain in 2 weeks, stomach and joint pain, and crazy emotions.  Remembering those reminds me that all this effort is worth it and to keep going.  

I also remind myself, I am really not missing out on anything.  The foods I have been preparing are super delicious.  

The sweets still get me though. I may add in some licorice root as that has helped me  to overcome sugar cravings in the past.  And well, I am unable to properly digest sweets so what is there to lose except perhaps a few more pounds and a sugar addiction?


  1. glad to hear that you are having some more success and hopefully internal healing at the same time!

  2. Thanks. Feel much better. Need to focus on getting muscle strength and endurance built up next now that the food part is mostly figured out.


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