Breakfast Chat: Regrouping

Good morning.  And a beautiful misty morning it is.  
Looking outside, makes me look inward sometimes.  The seasons are changing.  Life is awakening. Delicate spring flowers are heralding the coming of spring.
Winter is over.  Time to regroup and prepare for this season of growth has begun.

For me, one aspect that is getting recharged is regarding my relationship with food and exercise.  This winter, with pushing through and doing stretches and walks, I managed to be able to be able to keep walking.  The previous two winters were scary.  My psoas muscles bound up so badly that I couldn't walk and had to undergo months of agony and therapy. I am still working through a hip that suddenly goes weak but it is getting stronger with consistent work and walking. 

My son and I have a goal.  We tried to reach it last year but neither of us were strong enough to do so. We hope to do the 8 mile intense hike to Crystal Mills and back.  We are up to 7 miles on flat land now before our legs stop working. Once the snow melts and paths are dry enough to hike, we hope to add altitude gain to our hikes.  We have to be able to breathe at 11,000 ft as well as have endurance for the distance.  But we are getting closer.  Last year, at this time, I couldn't even walk 1/2 a mile.  So I feel hopeful that we can reach this next goal.

Food and diet wise...well, I truly plateaued and bounce from 221 to 228.  Alot was fugured out last year.  This year, I need to discover the next part of how to better relate to food and what my body is needing at this time in my life. Getting more sweets out of the picture is one goal. I eat nowhere near what I used to but need to consume even less sweets. It is amazing how many sweets are too sweet for me now.  I prefer the berries to most now.

Dairy? It was hard at first.  But I really am not missing it so much.  Even the plant based cheese just isn't appealing anymore.  I think I am ready to transition past them.  The nut drinks though?  The homemade ones are tasty and nutritious.  They will stay.

Grains?  A little here and there seems to be important for my bowel regulation.  Without it, I was having uncomfortable issues.  Too much, and the inflammation starts up again.

And you know what?  My left shoulder that had so much arthritis that the doctor was talking shoulder replacement?  Well, I can move it with no pain and have almost a full range of motion back!  

So there are lasting victories.  There is also room to grow. With the reviving energy that comes with spring, here we go! Here is to creating goals for a new season and success in reaching and even exceeding them. Right, Millie? She's been here just watching and listening.  Little sweetheart.
