Breakfast Chat

One lovely thing about growing our own produce is being able to enjoy breakfasts like this.  The only thing not homemade is the plant based cheese. The eggs came from a neighbor's hens, the lettuce, strawberries, and lavender mint tea came from my garden. (Recipe for the tea here Lavendar Mint Tea)

Sure it is convenient to go to the store and pick up food. But there is just something special about having tended gardens and then stepping outside one morning to be greeted by lovely colors of reds, greens, and purples, all beckoning you to come over and enjoy what they worked so hard to produce for you.  

Gardening and enjoying the fruit of one's labors and the plants desire to grow and make these treasures is a gift I am grateful to enjoy.

Have a healthy and beautiful summer.  If you are growing food too, may you also enjoy the fruit of your labor.
