Journal Notes: Eating on the Road

On the road AGAIN.
Sometimes this makes for extra challenges when needing to be careful with what is consumed.  Quick, low to no prep requirement often means allowing exceptions to sneak in.  Letting them sneak in often brings in its wake problematic symptoms.  

That is my reality this week. As life would have it, I ended up, last minute, needing to be away from home for about a week.  I ran out the door thinking I would be gone for just a day.  Nope.  Not in the cards this time.

Thankfully, I have kitchenware that I keep where I am staying and have access to a kitchen. So this time, it is easier than if I were staying in a hotel room.

Even still, who wants to do dishes? Or spend lots of time on food prep?

Most of the goodies I will be having this week I could also make at a hotel or just eat on the road.

Hotel menu:
1.Vegan Nachos 
2. Spinach Salad
3. Veggie burgers with vegan "cheese" on a bed of lettuce with avocado slices and corn chips
4. Cereal and nut milk.  My go to is Chex with Macadamia nut milk, an underripe but not green banana, and berries
5. Sushi Rolls with smoked salmon, carrot shreds, diced cucumber, and avocado
6. Art Of Broth Vegan Vegetable sipping broth.  They are little tea bags full of dehydrated vegetable broth that you steep in 8 oz hot water.  Or if you are like me, tear it open and pour the contents into the cup of hot water.  I like to have this with seaweed snacks and vegetable sticks. 

On the Road menu:
1. Smoothies
2. Berries and nuts
3. Purple rice and sesame crackers with smoked salmon
4. Nut butter and crackers

As it is easy to become dehydrated when traveling, remember to drink plenty of water.  I take my 1/2 gallon container with me everywhere and refill as needed to remind me to keep drinking.

Take time to stop and exercise, even if it is just a 10 minute speed walk around the block.  Keep moving.  

Do I manage to stay fully strict?  No. But I count the cost before diving in.  Sometimes I miscalculate and pay for it!  

I had an apple fritter a couple days ago.  It definitely reinforced that I must be tested for celiac soon.  My stomach is in a painful way.  Yesterday, I had some of the chicken noodle soup I made for my son who caught the flu and needed momma's TLC. Chicken and I are not friends unless they are alive and running around begging treats from me.  As food? Oh, I am paying for it.

Lesson learned. Even if you run out the door in a whirlwind, make sure to have prepared an emergency plan previously so that when you stop at the store or take food with you from home, it is easy to make sure you stay on track and feel good while away from home.
